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A long time ago, snakes amd lizards were all one similar group of creatures, eventually some of their legs got really tired, as time continued, some of theizards evolved, so their children would have no legs, hence,snakes became snakes

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6y ago
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13y ago

Well, when a boy snakes falls in love with a girl snake, but the girl snake rejects him and calls him a jerk, the man snake sneaks in on the girl snake while its sleeping and... well, you get the idea.

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12y ago

They grow just like other things grow. There body just does.

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13y ago

Snake venom is modified saliva - it is produced by the snakes body and stored in the venom glands in the upper jaw.

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12y ago

The same way any other species of animal does. Although male snakes have two penises, known as hemi-penes.

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Did snakes become lizards?

It is generally accepted that snakes evolved from lizards.

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Snakes became endangered when people started hunting them for their skin to use as leather.

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Big eggs allow big baby snakes to hatch, which will be able to compete more effectively for food and grow up to become adult snakes.

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he is said to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland

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Snakes are usually most active in the summer, as they are cold blooded reptiles and the heat helps them warm up and become active.

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they became leaders because they had pet snakes :D

How many snakes in the world are poisinous?

there are no poisonous snakes they are venomous if it was poison it would mean its skin would be covered with poison and so its not possible

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I don't think it's possible for snakes to become humans.

Do garter snakes take care of their young?

No i dont think so...

How do snakes react with other snakes?

I'm not a herpetologist or expert, but I've had a pet royal (ball) python for 7 months. This is what I do know. Pythons and boas are solitary animals. They don't hang out with others of their kind except for mating. Snakes do eat each other as well, so when kept as pets should be kept alone.