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As long as crocodile wants to stay outside in the sun. If the crocodiles body heat soars too high then crocodile will go into the water to cool down or rolling in the mud, even if it starves, they will go into the water and hunting for food. Crocodile usually can go without food for a week.

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Velda Hauck

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2y ago
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8y ago

Depends on what you mean by "in water". Crocs have lungs and needs to breathe air. So they can't breathe if they are entirely under water. When diving, they have to hold their breath just like you and I - only they can do it longer.

But crocs have their nostrils on top of their snouts, and as long as these are above the surface a croc can breathe in water until something else forces it to move.

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8y ago

Crocs CAN'T breathe underwater. When they dive, they hold their breath.

crocodiles stay underwater for between 10 to 15 minutes. If the crocodile is trying to hide from a threat, dive length may be longer, up to 30 minutes or more. Most crocodiles can actually remain underwater up to 2 hours if pressed, but is this normal .

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14y ago

They can go up to about a month, but it depends on the heat.

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Q: How can a crocodile breathe under water for a long period?
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