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the leopard geko has a full body length of 64 kilo meters and the tail takes up .5 of a meter so there is your awnser.

guk lud:>)

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Q: How big will a leopard gecko be without tail?
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Can a male panther gecko be with a female leopard gecko?

If it's penis is big enough and she is pleased

How big should my leopard gecko tank be?

60cm long

How big is a Leopard Gecko at birth?

Around three inches.

How big should a plastic tub be for a single leopard gecko?

Plastic tub ? A single Leopard Gecko should have at LEAST 2 square feet of floor space to move around !

Can you keep leopard geckos with an iguana?

NOOOOO!!!!! That is a big no no the iguarna will kill or eat the gecko!!

How big should a 2 year old leopard gecko be?

about 4 or 6 inches

How long does a leopard gecko digest its food?

The leopard hunts down its prey and then eats it. With their powerful teeth they bite right through the skin of its prey and then just proceed to eat it like other big hunting animals. e.g. lions

How big does a jungle leopard gecko grow?

Depending on sex and bloodlines 8-12" long

Can you give a leopard gecko any fruit?

yes, you can feed them apples, grapes, and bananas. but remember to cut them up in pieces big or small enoug for your gecko

How big will a leopard frog tadpole grow to be as big as it gets?

Three inches nose to tail is a good sized leopard frog tadpole's length.

What adaptations does a leopard have?

Leopards have strong jaws to kill their prey and to fight other predators, sharp, strong claws to grip branches, flexible backbones to allow them to make long jumps and a patterned coat to help them blend into their surroundings

How long can Geckos last without food?

A leopard gecko can go two weeks without food, but it is best to feed him/her ten crickets (or more) a week. I find it handy to put about twenty crickets or less in the cage with my leopard gecko at a time, as long as you keep an apple (or potato) slice for the crickets in the container and let him eat at his own pace. My gecko actually eats twenty crickets a week, but I don't think this amount is necessary because he has gotten a very fat tail (that is where they store extra fat). I've never tried pinkies or mealworms before, but I'm sure this method would work the same, but put the food they eat in the container and you don't need to feed quite as much to your leopard gecko.