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Well there is a long story to this one, it starts way back a few million years ago when dinasaurs lived. One dinasaur was called the robert dinasaur it was the biggest dinasaur that had ever lived on this planet, it ate a t-rex like it was munch. He was so hardcore at eating other dinasaurs he had to eat turtles but turtles had hard shells so he had no clue on what to do. He decided to eat his leg for sum reason cos he is a downer and when he ate his leg he fell over and crushed a turtle called a horsefeild turtle, this tranfromed robert into Robert horsfeild and now he walks upon the Earth Day and night searching for food. He likes a girl called katy masih and he said he would kill anyone who touched her,so one day alvin hart decided to get it on with her and robert ate him , the end.

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Q: How big to horsfield tortoise grow to?
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How big do tortoise grow?

1 to 2 inches.

Which tortoise is more active Hermann or Horsfield?

There's no real difference in activity level--that depends on the individual, and on health.

How big are tortoise eggs?

they can be has big as the tortoise

How big is a tortoise shell?

A tortoise shells size depends on how big the tortoise is, it's age and its breed.

When did George Horsfield die?

George Horsfield died in 1956.

When was George Horsfield born?

George Horsfield was born in 1882.

When did Thomas Horsfield die?

Thomas Horsfield died in 1859.

When was Thomas Horsfield born?

Thomas Horsfield was born in 1773.

How much does a tortoise cost?

The cost of a tortoise can vary depending on the species, age, and where you purchase it from. On average, tortoises can range from $50 to $500 or more. It's important to consider the long-term care and expenses associated with owning a tortoise before making a purchase.

With what other tortoise can your tortoise mate if she is a horse field tortoise?

You cannot crossbreed tortoises. Each species of tortoise has a gut flora peculiar to that species. The gut flora of one species can prove dangerous to another species.Different species of tortoise should not be kept together. While a very few, in the wild, may cross into each others habitat on occasions, such as the Hermann (Testudo hermanni) and the Horsfield (Testudo horsfieldii) they are not known to interbreed.

What is Geoff Horsfield's birthday?

Geoff Horsfield was born on November 1, 1973.

When was Geoff Horsfield born?

Geoff Horsfield was born on November 1, 1973.