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It should be big enough for them to move around, stretch out, and/or curl up.

Edit: To expand on the previous answer - It should be at least the length of the adult snake, and a minimum of half the adult snake's length front to back. You should also take into account any height requirements for arboreal species.

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12y ago
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13y ago

It really depends on the size. However, for very young corn snakes a 10 gallon

aquarium is fine until they are about 6 months or so old, then I would recommend putting each corn snake in its own 10 gallon aquarium.

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12y ago

Since they're a small species - rarely exceeding 36 inches, a vivarium measuring 24 x 12 x 12 inches would be sufficient. You could go up to 36 x 18 x 12 inches to give it a little more space.

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14y ago

It depends. Babies should start off in a 10 gallon tank and then you should increase the size by 5 gallons every year

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12y ago

ROYAL pythons (from their given Latin name of Python regius) - need a vivarium measuring a MINIMUM of 48x24x24 inches.

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12y ago

Depends on size of python

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Q: How big should the cage be for 2 baby corn snakes?
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Should you always keep moss in a corn snakes cage?

Yes it is healthy for them.

Can you house 2 adult corn snakes in one cage?

No you cannot house 2 adult corn snakes in one cage if you want to know why you can try it but I advise you do not.

Can you house 2 baby male corn snakes and have them in the same cage even when they are adults?

nope! unless you have a peice of glass in between

Do corn snakes like sticks in their cage?

Yes they like sticks in their cage but you should get them from a pet store or disinfect the sticks in some way if you get them from outside.

How many corn snakes can you have in 1 cage?

only one ...... if putting more snakes in same cage chance of getting diseases is more,..............

Can 2 baby corn snakes be put in the same cage together if they are not related?

no because they will get distressed but if the tank is big enough yes but feed them separately .

What does Corn Snake damage?

Heat lamps in captivity can harm corn snakes if they are placed where the snake can get very close to it. To prevent this a wire mesh cage should be placed around the lamp

Why feed corn snakes in separate container?

You should feed a corn snake in a separate container because, they will know that their cage isn't food and they are less likely to bite. And yes you should 100% yes if you have two in the same cage because if two snakes get in a fight over a mouse it could be a fight to the death and it isn't fun trying to pull two hungry fighting snakes away from each other.

Can you keep corn snakes and bearded dragons in the same cage?

Whether or not you can keep them both alive in the same cage may have a different answer.

Can you put corn snakes and mole snakes together in a cage?

I wouldn't. With most snakes, if you try to co-exist them in a tak it may result in canabalism and is not advisable.

How offten to baby corn snakes eat?

About once a week.

Can baby corn snakes eat guppies?

no dey cant