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Q: Does coral have blood
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Do coral have blood?

no, they are like sea anemones.

Is it dangerous to touch a coral reef?

Yes. According to many researchers, coral reefs are highly poisonous and they can cause blood poisoning on some occasions. Not only the coral reef blades are sharp, but it is also known to do serious lacerations and release toxic.

What power does coral jewelry have?

Coral is used by almost all cultures for its healing powers. Red coral is believed to be useful in relation to blood, it is supposedly calming in anger, hatred, and jealousy. Black coral is used in the West Indies to protect from harm. Pink coral is healing, pleasurable, and soothing. White coral is used to regulate the earth-body rhythms. It is generally believed that coral worn against the skin will warn the wearer of illnesses by turning lighter. Because of its calming effects it is often used to treat emotional or mental illnesses. It is best to wear coral in its natural state to get the full benefits.

What different types of species of coral are there?

well their is soft coral and hard coral +brain coral breanha coral lily coral and extra coral

How does a coral reef get its coral?

The hard coral polyp makes the coral

How many species of coral are there in the Great Barrier Reef?

Lettuce Coral, brain coral, elkhorn coral, staghorn coral, star coral, fire coral, sea pen, scroll coral, golfball coral, mustard hill coral, rose coral, sea whips, maze coral, rigid cactus coral, orange cup coral.... and many more.

What are the names of the three sets of coral?

They are finger coral,brain coral and fan coral.

Is a coral polyp basically coral?

No its animal to coral

What is a collective noun for coral?

The collective noun for coral is a reef of coral or a bed of coral.

Types of coral?

There is an estimated 50 different types of coral. The most common types of coral are hermatypic coral, ahermatypic coral, and perforate coral.

Is elkhorn coral soft or hard coral?

It is a hard coral

Is finger coral soft or hard coral?

hard coral