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They do inside their shells at the top in the middle.

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Yes turtles do have vertebreas

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Q: Does a tortoises have a spine?
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Is the tortoise a invertabret or a vertabret?

An invertebrate is a living organism without a backbone. A vertebrate is a living organism with one. Our (human's) backbones are called the spine. Tortoises have a backbone, so they are vertebrates.

Can you get tortoises for cheap?

no tortoises are veryy exspensive

What do tortoises drink?

Tortoises drink water.

Do turtles and tortoises have the same DNA?

Turtles and Tortoises have highly similar DNA, as tortoises are a subgroup of turtles.

Are desert tortoises nocturnal?

No, desert tortoises are diurnal.

Do desert tortoises chew?

Genius, all tortoises chew.

Are tortoises endangered animals?

Yes, tortoises are endangered animals

Do tortoises mate internally or externally?

tortoises lay eggs

What are babie tortoises called?

baby tortoises are called TORTLETTES!! :)

Do ants bite desert tortoises?

Yes, ants do bite desert tortoises and baby desert tortoises are in the most danger. If you keep tortoises outside, it is important to make sure ants cannot get to them.

Do tortoises eat fish?

No they don't ! Tortoises are vegetarians !

Do desert tortoises have a backbone?

yes a desert tortoises has a back bones.