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The red markings and patterns on a Gold Dust Day Gecko can vary markedly and are not usually symmetrical. Although we usually think of the three main markings on their backs as being three red bars, they are actually unique to each animal and can be used to identify each individual.

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Q: Does a gold dust day geckos have bilateral symmetry?
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Why are gold dust day geckos endangerd?

because people ruin their habitats

How much can a gold dust day gecko cost up to?

Gold dust day geckos usually range from $30-$40, but can be as low as $15 or as high as $80.

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Gold dust

What are the predators of a gold dust day gecko?

The biggest single threat to the wild population appears to be the introduction of the little fire ant to New Caledonia. The ants prey on the geckos, stinging and attacking in great numbers and also compete with the geckos for food by preying on arthropods and insects.

How much pure gold is in 5 grams of gold dust?

The amount of pure gold in 5 grams of gold dust can vary, but typically gold dust is comprised of around 85-95% pure gold. So, in 5 grams of gold dust, you can expect to have around 4.25-4.75 grams of pure gold.

What do you call gold when it is in small bits or powder?

Gold in small bits or powder is called gold dust.

When was Gold Dust Woman created?

Gold Dust Woman was created in 1996.

What is difference gold between sand and gold dust?

Gold dust is finely ground gold particles, while gold sand contains a higher concentration of gold particles mixed with sand. Gold sand is often found in river beds or near water sources, while gold dust can be found in various geological formations. Both gold dust and gold sand can be panned or mined for gold extraction.

What word goes before star fish dust medal?

Gold, Gold star, goldfish, gold dust, gold medal.

What is the difference between gold and gold dust?

Gold is a pure chemical element with the symbol Au, while gold dust refers to tiny particles of gold that are finely divided and often found in sediment. Gold dust may consist of small particles of gold that have been broken down from larger nuggets or deposits.

What is the duration of Gold Dust Gertie?

The duration of Gold Dust Gertie is 1.08 hours.

What is the weight of 200 grams gold dust?

The weight of 200 grams of gold dust is 200 grams. Gold is typically weighed in grams or ounces, and in this case, 200 grams is the weight of the gold dust.