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Q: Does a chameleon have to eat bugs?
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What do the chameleon eat?

Tarzan chameleon feast on insects, hence they live in tropical forests. The insects consists of bugs, Spiders flies, and crickets.

What is the diet of a chameleon?

the eat cricket and grasshoppers and a diffent varity of bugs just go to your local petstore to get some dont get them from outside

What to chameleon eat?

Well If A Panther Chameleon Is Like All Chameleons They Eat Insects And Also If You Go To A Pet Store They May Have Chameleon Treats Or Foods. So Either Go Catch Some Bugs Or Buy Some Chameleon Food And/Or Treats At A Pet Store.

What does a veiled chameleon eat?

a Veiled chameleon's diet is based off of crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. You can also dust the crickets, ex. in a calcium supplement. As well as these you can give your chameleon fruits and vegetables.Romanian lettuce is probably the best others will work to. Avoid Iceburg Lettuce.

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When does a chameleon eat?

when they are hungry

What do chameleons eat in the wild?

Tarzan chameleon feast on insects, hence they live in tropical forests. The insects consists of bugs, spiders flies, and crickets.

Will Chameleons eat bed bugs?

It's likely that the chameleon will eat a bedbug if it spots it moving, as the eyes of the chameleon are attracted to movement. How ever, bedbugs are active during night when the chameleon naturally sleeps. A sleeping chameleon risks dying from stress if attacked. Also, do consider what is a healthy and nutritious diet for the chameleon. A chameleon's health depend almost solely depends on the calcium/nutrition in food, along with adequate humidity, sun and water. Besides nutrition, bedbugs have not yet proven to infect humanbeings with diseases but they do withdraw blood from a host animal. Any live captured insects risk to carry diseases (gained by diet or by environment) that can be harmful to the chameleon.

Does a herbovore eat bugs?

No, Herbavore's do not eat living things such as bugs. Insectavores eat bugs.

Will a chameleon eat a python?

No they are insectivores.

Do Chameleon eat meat?


What does Espio the chameleon eat?

Espio loves to eat apples.