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i have a bearded dragon myself and they will not normally bite you however if you put your hand in whilst they are feeding or if you annoy or hurt them yes they will bite and it hurts a lot

hope this helps :)

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13y ago

Bearded Dragons will only bite if a finger tip is in their view and close to them when feeding or hungry [but very rarly], the only other way is if it feels threated and its beard goes dark [also very rare]. But tame ones rarely bite and spend alot of their time basking and eating. HOLD YOUR BEARDED DRAGON SEVERAL TIMES A DAY TO TAME THEM!!!

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Do bearded dragons bite when mating?

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Do beared dragons bite?

Yes, bearded dragons can bite if they feel threatened or stressed. However, bites are usually not severe and are more of a defense mechanism rather than an act of aggression. With proper handling and care, bearded dragons can become docile and less likely to bite.

Why do bearded dragons bite other bearded dragons?

Two adult males will always fight for dominance and territory. A male will bite a female to dominte her during mating.

Does all dragons bite?

The friendly ones don't as much. But they all need to bite to eat. Dragons, as depicted in fairy tales, may or may not bite depending on the story. 'Real' ones, such as Bearded Dragons and Komodo Dragons most certainly do.

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No, bearded dragons are not the same as frilled necked. Bearded dragons have a more wider beard as frilled neck dragons have a smaller frill around their neck.

Video clip of bearded dragons?

go on youtube and search up bearded dragons

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