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When water is standing, there is risk of mould build up. When the bottom of a dish is slimy, this is usually the beginning signs of mould. The water bowl should be changed each and every day if it has not evaporated.

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Q: Do you need to change the water for the Leopard Geckos?
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Related questions

Why do leopard geckos need water?

Yes, all living creatures need waer.

What do leopard geckos need?

Look at the question "how do you make a habitat for a leopard gecko". They also need crickets, meal worms, calcium/ multivitamins, and a spray bottle that's able to mist. The crickets need food, and a water source (such as a water pillow, or orange cubes).

How do you make a baby leopard geckos want to play with you?

you need to bond with it and care for it carfully

How do Leopard Geckos move?

Leopard geckos move by moving their short limbs very quickly. They are usually slow and relaxed in captivity but in the wild, they need to be able to escape a chasing predator.

Do leopard geckos need a mate to have babies?

Yes... I'm pretty sure they do...almost positive!

What size tank do you need for 2 leopard geckos in feet?

You need a 20 gallon (long). It is about 3ft long & 1ft deep.

Are leopard geckos playful and are they expensive to look after?

They can be playful and they don't need as much care as most lizards but still need care.

Can panther geckos live with leopard geckos?

Leopard geckos cannot live with panther geckos. Even though care for both are generally the same, there are some huge differences between the two. Leopard geckos are usually between 7 and 10 inches long (some almost a foot), and panthers are 4-6 (or occasionally up to 8) inches long. This size difference alone could do it. The Leopard geckos would pick on the panther geckos. Also, the climate of the two needs to be very different. Panther geckos live in southern Madagascar naturally, while Leopard geckos live in Afghanistan and neighboring countries. Panther geckos need higher humidity levels than Leopards, and lower temperatures. Together, either the leopard gecko, or the panther gecko, will suffer, if not both. Please, don't keep these two creatures together. It won't work out well.

How often do leopard geckos need to eat?

For some reason I though I have already answered this ... hmm. any way Leopard geckos can eat 2-5 crickets a day but some choose to eat once every few days but it depends on the size of the food it shouldn't be bigger than the width of the geckos mouth.

Where are leopard geckos often found?

The Leopard gecko, is a nocturnal ground-dwelling gecko, naturally found in the deserts of Southern Central Asia, from the southern parts of Afghanistan, throughout Pakistan, to the northwestern parts of India.answered by: ~nikki~ =)any questions that need to be asked about leopard geckos just contact me

Do leopard geckos need UVB lighting?

Leopard geckos are native to the middle east, and live in the deserts under rocks during the day and come out to feed on insects at night. Leopard geckos need to be kept at around 88 to 94 degrees Fahrenheit, because of where they live naturally. Therefore, it is a good idea to get your leopard gecko a heat lamp, which you can buy at any pet store and are inexpensive.

What plants growing in nz are safe to put in your leopard gecko terrarium?

The leopard gecko is a species that comes from an arid/dry area. The minimal shrubbery that their landscape consists of are nothing similar to that of New Zealand's. In order to sustain a plant from New Zealand, their would need soil, lots of water and humidity and in all truth, that's not what these geckos are custom to. It would be the best solution to purchase fake / plastic plants to decorate you leopard geckos terrarium.