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yes you do need a reptile licence to keep any reptile

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12y ago

in Australia usually you would need a license to keep certain lizards but for the blotched blue tongue lizard you don't need a license

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Q: Do you need a license for a blue tongue lizard?
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Do you need a licence for an eastern blue tongue lizar?

A license is needed for all blue tongue lizard speicies and other lizards if you are in queensland

In Australia do you need a licence to keep a blue tongue lizard?

In Australia, you generally do not need a license to keep a blue tongue lizard as a pet, as they are native to the country. However, you may need a license if you plan to breed them or keep a large number of individuals. It is always best to check with your local wildlife authorities to ensure you are complying with regulations.

Do you need a tetanus after a blue tongue lizard bite?

no you dont beacause blue tongue lizards cant bite hard

Is it illegal to keep blue tongue lizards in queensland?

it is illegal to keep a ble tonge lizard in qeensland and the fine can some times extend over $1000 but if you get a reptile license you are legal just make sure you buy the lizard at a store and not the bush because you need evidence that you have bought the reptile

How old to you have to be to get a blue tongue lizard?

You need a type 1 (I think) reptile licence and I think you need to be 13 to get a licence. (Note: I'm not 100% sure of this info so check a website.)

Do you need a license to own a bearded dragon in new south wales?

yes you do, you also need to prove you have had experience with class 1 reptiles like the blue tongue, you also need to be over 18

What type of lizard should you get?

Well that depends on many factors, where you live, how much you want to spend, etc.Here are some ideas from our community members:I have 3 blue tongue lizards and I recommend them to anyone who is interested in reptiles. They are very easy to look after, and there are many resources both in print and online to assist you with looking after them. Really any lizard you don't need a license to keep, you can be fairly sure will be a good choice.You should get a fat tailed gecko. they're easy to care for and are great pets. The first lizard I got was a fat tail.

What types of lizards do you need a license for?

This is a difficult question!!! Most lizards you don't need a license for such as a bearded dragon. Only rare ones. If you are interested in buying a lizard then talk to your local pet shop. You need to be sixteen or over to have a license.

Do you need a license in a Australia to keep a shingleback lizard?

In Australia, you typically do not need a license to keep a shingleback lizard as a pet. However, it is important to ensure that the lizard was not removed from the wild illegally, as this is a protected species in some regions. It is recommended to purchase shingleback lizards from reputable breeders to guarantee their legality and welfare.

You found a lizard and it belly is blue and white what kind is he?

The lizard you found with a blue and white belly could possibly be a blue-bellied lizard, commonly known as a blue-bellied skink. These lizards are native to North America and are known for their bright blue undersides. It's important to consult a reptile expert for a more accurate identification.

How hot do you need a heater for a blue tongue lizards?

100 degrees

Do you need to go to school to get a tattoo license?

only if ur tongue cant reach ur nose