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they sleep in water.

at first they normally find something to hold onto near the top of the water so they can poke their nose out for air, but after a while when their heart rate slows they lay at the bottom for up to 40 minutes a time before going up for air.

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Q: Do yellow bellied sliders sleep IN WATER OR OUT?
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Do yellow bellied turtles sleep in water or out?

inside water

How often do yellow bellied sliders lay eggs?

Yes they do sleep. That is exactly what mine is doing right now. He sleeps a good bit during the day and whenever.

Where do red bellied turtles sleep?

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Baby red-eared sliders sleep as much as possible when they are young. In nature, they prefer to sleep on rocks or floating in shallow water.

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Yellow Men Sleep was created in 1919.

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Yellow Men Sleep has 343 pages.

How long can red eared sliders stay under water without air?

Around 25-30 minutes if it wants to.

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When do red eared sliders hibernate?

Yes, sliders are one type of turtle capable of sleeping under water. They can last for surprisingly long amounts of time but will automatically wake up to rise for air when oxygen levels become low. Even though all are capable, some turtles will non the less choose to sleep with their bodies submerged in water with only their noses or full head out. I've even seen some turtles taking naps totally out of the water. So yes, red eared slider turtles can safely sleep under water if they so choose to.

How do you put red-eared sliders to bed?

They will go to sleep at night by themselves, if you make it dark enough. You just turn the aquarium's UV lamp off, and dim the lights in the room, and in a little while the turtles will go to sleep.

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