It depends what species the turtle is.
When I had a baby snapping turtle I only kept it for a couple months and I fed her turtle food from Walmart I dont really know if adult or teen adolescent turltes can eat it or not.
the turtle food at the STORE
It is best not to keep a turtle as a pet. Rather sponsor the survival of a turtle in the wild.
Try putting an ad in the paper, or in local pet shops (or on the internet at places like Craigslist) advertising that your turtle is up for adoption. You can also try contacting local zoos; some of them have petting zoos or zoo classes for children which they need turtles for. Whatever you do, don't release the turtle into the wild. Captive turtles should not be released into the wild. Not only are they unaccustomed to finding food for themselves, they can also get sick from being exposed to germs that wild turtles carry, or, they can spread their own germs to the wild turtles, and kill off the wild population.
Wild turtles enjoy crickets, bananas, cantaloupe, spinach, romaine lettuce, worms, small fish, insects, tomatoes, and insects.
Captive turtles should not be released into the wild. Not only are they unaccustomed to finding food for themselves, they can also get sick from being exposed to germs that wild turtles carry, or, they can spread their own germs to the wild turtles, and kill off the wild population. Try putting an ad in the paper, or in local pet shops, advertising that your turtle is up for adoption. You can also try contacting local zoos; some of them have petting zoos or zoo classes for children which they need turtles for.
NO, absolutely not. Captive turtles should NEVER be released into the wild.
Only 4% of a turtles eggs survive the wild. the rest get taken by foxes or other predators!
lettuce, turtle food pellets, or fruit.
Turtles survive happily in the wild on their own every day. But if you're wondering if a pet turtle could be released into the wild, they can do that too. Turtle's instincts are very good, and a pet turtle would survive just as well as one that grew up in nature.
not realy but hording wild box turtles it is a leagle
A turtle might eat maybe 1-3 times per day like us humans.If you have a turtle as a pet,do not feed it too much.A land turtle and a sea turtle might eat 1-3 times per day too.