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Some do but some also live in lakes and some live in the sea. The word turtle is widely used to describe all members of the order Testudines, it is also common to see certain members described as terrapins, tortoises or sea turtles as well. Precisely how these alternative names are used depends on the type of English being used.

British English normally uses the word:-

turtle if they live in the sea;

terrapins if they live in fresh or brackish water;

or tortoises if they live on land.

American English tends to use the word:-

turtle for all freshwater species and for certain land-dwelling species;

Oceanic species are usually referred to as sea turtles;

and tortoise is restricted to members of the true tortoise family the Testudinidae;

The name terrapin is typically reserved only for the brackish water

Australian English uses turtle for both the marine and freshwater species but tortoise for the terrestrial species.

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Q: Do turtles live in rivers
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Where do painter turtles live?

Painter turtles, also known as painted turtles, can be found in freshwater habitats such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and marshes across North America. They prefer slow-moving waters with plenty of vegetation for basking and hunting.

What are the animals that live near rivers and streams?

Turtles,fish, and ducks.

What organisims live in rivers?

Fish, turtles, dragonflies, fish, frogs, salamanders, crayfish

Where does a water turtle live?

There are two types of turtles: Freshwater turtles and sea turtles. All freshwater turtles live mostly in water but often climb onto rocks and land to bask in the sun, mate, and lay eggs. Sea turtles don't bask in the sun, but they mate and lay eggs on land. Freshwater turtles live in rivers and lakes, and sea turtles live in the ocean.

What are the basic needs of turtles?

Turtles need food and water. They live in rivers, lakes, or ponds. They also live in the ocean, sea, and the beach.

What animals live in rivers?

Different breeds of fish live in almost all rivers worldwide. Other animals that live in rivers live in certain areas. For example, crocodiles and alligators live in warm waters of warm climates. Crayfish (sometimes called crawdads) live in rivers in the United States. Some types of turtles also live in rivers.

Does dumping waste in the ocean and rivers help the animals that live there?

about 1% of the time, 99% of the time turtles die.

Were do sea animals live?

Cetaceans are basically whales. So they live in the ocean.

Do snapping turtles live in rivers or streams?

Well i personally have a alligater snapping turtle. and yes they do in rivers abd streams so be very careful you dont get in their mouths becuz they hurt.

Is a turtle a desert animal?

Yes, there are turtles in the desert. Some, such as box turtles, can survive without a permanent water source. Others only live in rivers or streams that pass through a desert.

When did turtles live in water?

turtles still live in water but not all turtles.

Where are turtles?

water turtles live in the water land turtles live in the land