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Q: Do turtles live in an estuary?
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What reptiles live in an estuary?

Lizards, snakes, and turtles live in estuaries.

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Do snails live in an estuary?


Do sea lions live in the estuary zone?

They hunt at sea but I have seen them loafing about in the estuary zone.

What does estuarine mean?

The area of an estuary where marine shore animals live.

Who blugrass lives?

blugrass is a type of grass that live neat wetlands such as estuary's. blugrass is a type of grass that live neat wetlands such as estuary's.

When did turtles live in water?

turtles still live in water but not all turtles.

Where are turtles?

water turtles live in the water land turtles live in the land

Where does bhetki live?

Estuary and coastal regions

How many different animals on an estuary?

Only animals that can live in freshwater or saltwater live in an estuary because estuaries are places where freshwater and saltwater meet.

Do turtles live in the Antarctic?

turtles don't live in Antarctica. Turtles live in the seas near the Pacific ocean. :)

Do turtles live in a box?

Turtles can live anywhere. Some live in water.