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Many turtles do mate in the water. Many, like box turtles, mate on land. There are roughly 300 members of the order Testudines, so you are going to have both occurring in multiple species.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes they can because they actually need water to digest their food

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βˆ™ 13y ago

they live in both in water and out of water. if it's aquatic then give it lots of water to live in but give it some land for basking.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

They aren't scared of IT, because IT is scared of them.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes they always do in a strange way

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βˆ™ 4y ago

they it underwater AND in the water

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Brandon Le

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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Q: Do turtles it underwater or in the water?
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Can common snapping turtles breathe underwater?

No. Turtles do not have gills so they have to come to the surface of the water to breathe.

What do turtles do?

Land turtles don't do much. they lay around in the shade doing almost nothing. But underwater turtles are so cool! the swim around, and do tricks in the water. The water turtles are so much fun! land turtles aren't that much fun at all. So if you like turtles, get an underwater one! never get a land turtle.

Are turtles fast underwater?

Turtles are much faster in water than on Land. They can usually swim faster than a human.

Can sea turtles breath underwater?

Turtles don't breathe under water. They've got lungs - not gills. They hold their breath when they dive.

Can turtles breath underwater?

Turtles are able to hold their breath for extended periods of time while underwater. They have lungs and rely on an efficient circulatory system that allows them to absorb oxygen from the water, enabling them to stay submerged for long periods. Additionally, some species of turtles can extract oxygen through their skin while underwater.

Turtles can only eat above water?

no in fact, most of their diet is underwater: jellyfish, snails and vegetables

How long can baby turtles stay in water without air?

My baby turtle sleep underwater. They need to be able to get on land and in fact they enjoy it! My turtles do fine out of water for an hr or more because they also sleep out of water. Turtles need time out of their terrarium so they can work out.

How can sea turtles eat underwater without swallowing water?

well sea turtles skin absorbs oxygen bubbles, so they dont need to breath, and all they do is swallow, its ok if water get into there mouth

How turtle can breath under water?

Turtles have lungs, not gills. They don't breathe underwater. When they dive, they hold their breath.

Can turtles stay under water for long periods of time?

Turtles have to go to the surface of water to breathe so if they get caught in underwater fishing nets they will drown.

Can hard shelled turtles breathe underwater?


Are leatherback sea turtles amphibians?

No. They cannot breathe underwater. Turtles and tortoises are reptiles.