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Q: Do tortoise live in the rainforest?
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Do rinos live in rainforest?

no rhinos do not live in rainforest.

How can tortoise live for one year?

Tortoise eat lettuce. Lettuce = live.

Can a tortoise live only on land?

Yes, there are desert tortoise.

What is the tortoise biome?

The galapagos tortoise live in the galapagos island

Why do lions live in the rainforest?

Lions actually do not live in rainforests; they are typically found in savannas and grasslands of Africa. Lions prefer open spaces where they can easily hunt their prey and find water sources. The dense forests of rainforests do not provide the ideal habitat for lions to thrive.

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Where in the rainforest does the apes live in?

Apes do live in the rainforest

Do cats live in a rainforest?

yes they do live in the rainforest's

Do raccons live in the rainforest?

Raccoons do not live in the rainforest.

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what rainforest does a genet live in

Where the tortoise live?

They live in desert reigons.

Can a tapir live in a rainforest?

yes it can. a tapir can live in a rainforest