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Snapping turtles live in fresh water

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Q: Do snapping turtles live in fresh or salt water?
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What kind of turtle live in fresh water?

snapping turtles i think

Where Do snapping turtles?

They live in water where they get a lot of sand. They definitely don't live in salt water,they live in fresh water lakes for sure where there's a lot of fish.

Do seagulls or snapping turtles live in swamps?

There are many types of turtles in the world, many of which live in swamps. Some of the turtles that live in swamps are the Western swamp tortoise, the Brazilian radiolated swamp turtle, and the Black spine-neck swamp turtle.

What kind of turtles live in salt water?

Snapping turtles

Where do alligator snapping turtles live?

They live in North America. More specifically in South Carolina and northern Florida. But they live in the fresh water.

Can eastern box turtles live in water?

No. technically, tarapins are land creatures and turtles live in a water environment (i.e. loggerhead turtles, snapping turtles)

Do snapping turtles live in the desert?


Is this true turtles only live in the sea?

No. Turtles live in the ocean, in fresh water, or on land.

What plants do snapping turtles live bye?

Snapping turtles eat seaweed or things we eat like: vegetables

Do leatherback turtles live in salt water or fresh water?


Do snapping turtles live in the USA?


Can snapping turtles swim?

I would not reccommend swimming with the snapping turtles. You can safely swim in a pond or river that has snapping turtles living in it. Snapping turtles bite if you get too close, though, and their jaws are very strong. A snapping turtle could bite your finger off. So swim away, but don't get too close to the turtles!