jaguars eat snakes,rodents,caimans,rats,bagers,monkeys,birds and fish
Jaguars do eat snakes, but only certain ones, like small anacondas, and swamp snakes. If you have any more questions on Jaguars, please do ask them, as i have a degree on rain forest animals and am the manager of a Jaguar Preserving Plan. Hope this helps.
# Hawks, jaguars, lions, snakes, ocelots and margays
Snakes, Eagles, jaguars and lions eat Ocelots :)
No they don't eat grass snakes. They are carnivores so they eat other animals such as deers, zebras, and other animals.
Jaguars because they eat snakes unlike cougars they eat something like bears.
Yes, large snakes may eat jaguars. There is at least one known case where it has happened.
Jaguars, cougars, wolves, coyotes, large constrictor snakes and the harpy eagle will kill and eat an ocelot.
Jaguars, cougars, wolves, coyotes, large constrictor snakes and the harpy eagle will kill and eat an ocelot.
the main predators of the sloth are the jaguar and the harpy eagle
Jaguars, large birds, and other snakes! I didn't know it was possible for anything to eat a boa, Their HUGE!
the ocelot enmies are snakes eagles jaguars and lions the can killl the ocleot or eat it