Red eared slider turtles are as active as any aquatic turtle. They swim, bask and eat. They don't "do much" but they are still really neat pets.
If you want to watch them "doing something" that can be entertaining, put a couple of orange goldfish in the tank. The turtles will chase the fish, catch and eat them. This is usually the most active they will be. (I say orange because turtles do not see well and will have a harder time with the brown or dull color fish).
My red eared sliders "beg" for treats. They will swim to the part of their aquarium nearest to where I am and splash water and swim around trying to get my attention.
I have one turtle who is more fond of attention than the others. I can pet her on the head and she doesn't try to avoid being "petted".
I think the red eared slider turtles are fun to watch and make interesting pets.
Yes, the eat things like gold fish, tuna, krill, shrimp, and guppies, small fish, etc. Minnows too.
The also eat snails, boiled egg whites, boiled white chicken, turkey meat, meal worms, and crickets. But pellets should be the main source of their diet (tetra reptomin, turtle bites, etc).
Turtles often will not eat for a week when there is a big, stressful change such as moving. Healthy turtles can go months without food as long as it's other needs are met (lighting, heat. clean water, etc)
Be sure to also give your turtle calcium. (Cuttlefish bone, calcium dusting, and calcium blocks).
Hope that helped.
red eared slider turtle do not eat sharks. despite there ability to practically devour anything the sharks are to big to attempt to attack it. hence turtles do not try to attack them and red eared slider turtles don't eat them. :)
Probably not the turtle will try to eat the fish
they can eat guppies and betta fish the betta fish will put up a fight sometimes they wont eat the fish and just leave the fish there for a tank mate if there is any amount in a tank together but if you put to many big turtles in a tank with little turtles the big ones will eat it
no they cannot
As long as the fish is inspected and found to be free of disease, yes. If you can get the python to eat it!
Red-eared turtles can eat cilantro. If they are not eating lettuce, you should try feeding them it.
red eared turtles are related to pond turtles
Yes. Red eared sliders can eat lettuce but not a whole cabbage, I know this because I fead my Red eared slider lettuc.
Red-Eared Sliders are Semi-Aquatic turtles.
they eat boo boo and they like it