well it depends i used to like dinosaurs now not so much i am more intrested in animals but there were only their fossils when people evolved from primates to people so we dont exactly know everything about dinosaurs yet but some people like dinosaurs mostly because they were really high and there were so many strange dinosaurs and strange facts oh and dont forget archeologists
said arch-e-ol-o-gist they are people who find fossils of dinosaurs they like dinosaurs to (i think)
I suppose some ill-informed people might. People who actually know something about Biology, however, do not.
Turtles living today are not the same species living at the time of the existence of dinosaurs. And today, BIRDS, are the form in which dinosaurs survived.
No birds are.
Turtles were cold blooded and smaller than dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were much larger than turtles and had a higher metabolism, which caused the to starve much faster than turtles. Turtles could survive on the tiny scraps of food they could find until plants began growing again.
They are both reptiles
Animals that are definitely turtles are found from the later Jurassic period, with some almost-turtles like Proganochys found in the late Triassic. The first dinosaurs are found in the early Triassic. So far, fossil evidence suggests that turtle-like possible ancestors with partial shells predate dinosaurs, but dinosaurs predate true turtles.
Dinosaurs and turtles share the Class Reptilia; but that's about it. Turtles (though not necessarily red sliders) preceded the dinosaurs and survived them. (Which is not to call the dinosaurs unsuccessful; they lived large while turtles kept - literally - a low profile.)
Amazingly,birds were found out to be dinosaurs so that means the only living dinosaurs today are birds.
turtles. . Gorillas and dinosaurs are too dissimilar to make meaning ful judgments
since dinosaurs...
Lizards, turtles, and Snails.
Armadillo,turtles,crocs/gators, dinosaurs...