No. House gecko's do not bite. They are very afraid of humans so they avoid us at all costs.
Not. All geckos can bite and tame ones like humans.
Geckos can inflict a deep, painful wound if they are large. For example, the largest gecko species, the tokay gecko, can be easily provoked and is prone to biting. It tends to hold on tightly and has quite a nasty bite.
Where the gecko came from is another thing to consider. Wild caught geckos may have different types of bacteria in their oral cavities than captive-hatched ones.
You don't need to worry about rabies, because reptiles don't carry that virus that is contagious to humans. They can, however, carry potentially dangerous bacteria, protozoa or, rarely, a pathogenic fungus that can be transmitted to a human via a bite that punctures the skin.
If you have any concerns about the bite injury, you should seek immediate medical care. Most bites are innocuous, but children don't have a fully developed immune system, so they cannot fight off certain infections as well as adults can.
It would be best to consult your pediatrician about the bite, even if it appears to be healing normally. Better safe than sorry, especially with a child's health at stake.
Another concern is why the child was bitten. Children should always be supervised around pet herps and not allowed to handle any herps without adult supervision. Also, anyone handling pet herps should wash their hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap afterwards and be instructed to not eat any food or touch their face before washing up.
Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP has been an avian/exotic/herp animal veterinarian since 1981. She is a regular contributor to REPTILES magazine.
It's technically not a "bite." They actually sting you with their barbels, and it is quite painful and can be dangerous, depending on where you are stung. I once was stung right next to my eye while sleeping, and had I not seen a doctor for treatment, could have possibly lost my eyesight. He recognized it for what it was, although I had no clue as to what had happened. Apparently, the sting has a very distinct look, with two holes that are visible in the swelling where the barbels went in. I actually still have a scar from this many years later.
Lizards never bite.
House and anole lizards but some geckos live in trees.
No they do not
Yes. Some lizards will hiss, bite, bob their heads, or release deadly venom when being territorial.
They don't not bite there master only other pepole
these are fu*kin dangerous stupid lizards that when they bite, you are dead in i secons
Yes, most lizards bite. Some lizards squirt blood through their naked eye, whilst other lizards wave their tail to scare predators away. Yes, most lizards can bite as a weapon for self defense. However lizards that are kept in captivity, such as iguanas, are less likely to bite humans because they are used to human contact. Some lizards give a warning before biting - if a lizard opens its mouth wide, swells and hisses at the same time, this is a warning that it may be about to bite.
Yes but it wont hurt
NONE gosh u ppl dont know anything bout lizards
Yes, it barely feels like a pinch
Lizards are never dangerous, they may bite you but and apart from a chance of resulting woundinfections even yellow spotted lizards are not dangerous, except when it is a varana, these lizards can grow big and act agressively.
no you dont beacause blue tongue lizards cant bite hard