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I do know sea snakes srink fresh water when it rains. The fresh rain water collects at the top before mixing with the salt water and the snakes come to the surface and drink it. I am trying to find the answer to the same question you have but for now am assuming the case of the turtles is the same as the snakes. Very few animals are equipped to drink salt water.

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Q: Do green sea turtle drink water?
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What does turtle eat and drink?

sea water and leafy vegetables

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When was Green sea turtle created?

Green sea turtle was created in 1758.

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Where do sea turtles get water?

the sea turtle can drink salt water. this is possible because they have a special gland in their mouths that filters out the salt.

Is the green turtle a sea turtle?

yes it is called the green sea turtle There is a species known as the green sea turtle, latin name Chelonia mydas. They are the slowest growing of the sea turtle species due to a diet low in protein. They are characterized by the starburst pattern on the shell and two scales between the eyes. Sadly they are poached for their greenish skin :(

What colors are water turtles?

there is no such thing as a water turtle there called sea turtles there green or brown usaly

What are the names of all the sea turtles?

leatherback loggerhead green sea turtle sea turtle

What color is sea turtle what color is sea turle?

a sea turtle is green and it has some blue

What does the green sea turtle do during the day?

the green sea turtle swims in the sea, in the sometimes its on the sand, eating small leaves

What eats green sea turtles?

The baby green sea turtle is eaten by racoons, seabirds and crabs. The only animal that can eat an adult green sea turtle is a shark.