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They live in the trees, on land, and in water

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14y ago

Cobras live on the ground, in trees and in water

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none of your buisness

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Q: Do cobras live on land
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Can cobras survive in a huge flood for 100 years?

No. For one thing, cobras do not live that long to begin with. Second, while they can swim, cobras are primarily land animals. They need to be on land to eat, sleep, and reproduce.

How are Sea Turtles different from King cobras?

the king cobras are found in forests and it is a land animal, while in sea turtle it is a sea or water animals and it is live in the sea

Do king cobras live in herds?

King Cobras live in herd of 6 . A herd of King Cobras is called a quiver.

Can cobras live in Alaska?

No cobras cannot live in Alaska because it's too cold and cobras prefer a warm or hot climate.

Where do cobras live and what do they eat?

cobras eat frogs and mices

Do pythons eat cobras?

no because pythons live in south America and cobras live in Africa

Where do the cobras live in Riki Tiki Tavi?

The cobras lived in the garden.

Do cobras live in Indiana?


What do cobras live in?

the ground

Do Cobras live in the rain forest?

Cobras are native to Asia which includes rainforests.

What cobras live in the desert?


Where do Egyptian cobras live?

in Egypt.