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they dont like any of those

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Q: Do box turtles prefer sand water gravel grass or sand with a bowl of water to soak in?
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Where do turtles live at?

some water turtles will prefer to live in a reef because of the shallow water. others will prefer the ocean because of deep swimming holes

Does heat help turtles revive or does it effect them more?

Different water turtles require different water temperature parameters. For best care, discover type of turtle you have and find specific care for that turtle. Most turtles prefer warmer water as they are cold-blooded animals.

What will happen when gravel touches water?

The Gravel will absorb the water until it can absorb anymore.

Does gravel float or sink in water?

No, it does not.

How long can gravel retain water?

The amount of time that gravel can retain water will vary depending on its state. Fine gravel will holder water for long as opposed to coarse gravel.

What kind of water do squids and turtles live in?

Squid are a type of cephalopod. They do not live in shallow water, even though they may venture there, they prefer to live in deep water.

Can a turtle live in the freshwater area?

Yes, many turtles live in freshwater. The type of water they prefer depends on what species of turtle it is. For instance, slider turtles almost always live in freshwater.

Does gravel make water acidic?

Gravel itself does not make water acidic. However, gravel can react with certain substances in the water and affect the pH levels. If there are other acidic substances present in the water, they can interact with the gravel and potentially lower the pH level of the water.

Do water turtles eat cabbage?

I'm sure they can but an aquatic turtle would prefer collard or mustard greens or aquatic plants.

Why is water and gravel a suspension?

Yes because you can still see the gravel inside the water

What will happen if mix gravel and water together?

Mixing gravel and water will not result in any chemical reaction. The water will simply flow around and between the gravel particles, but the gravel will remain unchanged.

What do fine sand and gravel do to water?

The gravel and sand filter out smaller particles from the water