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Hognose snakes are a pretty docile species. Also - they don't grow very big (about 18 inches !)

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Q: Do Eastern Hognose snakes make good pets?
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Is a Hognose snake a producer or a consumer in the food web?

They are consumers because they do not make there own

Is a hognose snake harmless?

I actually own one myself and found out through a herpitologist friend of mine that these snakes actually do have venom glands in fangs, but the location of these fangs are so far back in the mouth of the snake that it would be damn near impossible for a human to be envenomated by them, making them available for commercial sale to the public. Just a note for you if you ever wonder, if they can be purchased at a reptile show without the need for the venomous license, then they are non lethal to humans. ie: scorpions, tarantulas and the hognose... they are all venomous, but not in a lethal way.... Truthfully, I own a bunch of snakes and would welcome the bite of my Hognose over the bite of my Burmese Python!!! The hognose is by far the most docile of my snakes and the better feeder of all of them as well. Typically though, hog noses have to go through scented feedings before accepting mice plain.

Do wolf snakes have venom?

No. They actually make a good pet.

Do rough green snakes make good pets?

No. They are illegal to be kept in US.

What is a good breed of snake to have as a second snake?

Corn snakes make the perfect pet

What sounds do snakes make?

snakes make a thhhhhhh noise.

What is good for killing snakes?

your foot is good but make sure it is not poisonous also if you grab it behind the head it cant bite you

What sound does the snakes make?

Snakes are reputed to make a hissing sound.

Do snakes have a whinny?

No. Whinny is the noise that horses make, not snakes.

What make a snake famous?

snakes are the only species of snakes

Do Honduran milk snakes make good pets?

Yes - they're one of the most 'people friendly' species.