2 Female geckos of the same species are able to co exist if the space requirements are met. Typically 10 Gallons of space is good for 1 adult gecko. 2 Adults, would require 20 Gallons of tank space.
This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.
get one from cora frey
Leopard geckos typically shed for the first time in their life cycle when they are around 2-4 weeks old.
If you are going to start keeping leopard geckos, you can only have one male but as many females as you like. If you are trying to breed them then have a few females to up your chances. If you put more then one male in they will fight.
2-5 times a day actually
1) they are reptiles. 2) they walk up walls
For some reason I though I have already answered this ... hmm. any way Leopard geckos can eat 2-5 crickets a day but some choose to eat once every few days but it depends on the size of the food it shouldn't be bigger than the width of the geckos mouth.
Please answer!!!
You need a 20 gallon (long). It is about 3ft long & 1ft deep.
There are two different methods to do this: 1: a water/ vinager solution. 2: a paint scraper to rid of the lime.
Yes. Actually, a lot of people at pet stores that I've checked out (I have 2 female leopard geckos, they live on a Repti-Carpet) recommend forest bedding, although I have never actually tried it.
If you want to breed them. Leopard geckos reach maturity at about 9 months old, and a male can have several females. Beginning about 3 to 4 weeks after mating, the female gecko will have a clutch of eggs, usually 2, that hatch in about 2 months. You would be advised to keep male geckos away from the eggs and the young hatchlings.