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Besides being very cold, there is a risk of your tongue freezing to the pole.

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Q: Could you be hurt by sticking your tongue to a frozen pole?
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Why does it hurt to stick out your tongue?

Sticking out your tongue can be uncomfortable or painful because the muscles in your tongue are not used to that extended position. Additionally, the friction and exposure of the tongue to air when sticking it out may also cause discomfort. If the pain persists, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that should be checked by a healthcare professional.

What can happen from an infected tongue piercing?

It could hurt you really bad and kill you in worst case scenario.

When you have your belly button frozen does it hurt still?

It would not hurt because the nerves are frozen, but this only nubs the pain.

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why your toes hurt when yo bite your tongue is beacase the vibration that co-net to you toe

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Why does sperm have a bite to it?

Sperm should not sting your tongue. There are a few explanations though. If you have just gotten your tongue pierced, it might sting. If you got a cut on your tongue or bit your tongue that could make it sting. Other than that it should not hurt to swallow sperm.

White lump at back of your tongue?

Many years ago I had a hard white lump on the underside of my tongue. It was there for many months then just disappeared. It didn't hurt unless I played with it. One day I noticed it was gone and that was it.

Does your tongue hurt when you get it pirced?

Not really. The worst part was the clamp they put on your tongue.

Is it normal for the tip of the tongue hurt?

No it is not normal for the tip of the tongue or any part of the tongue to hurt. If it does hurt you should see your doctor or dentist right away. Most doctors will fit you into their appointment schedule right away or you could go to an urgent care facility. Your tongue is a critical muscle in your mouth with an important job to do so don't blow off getting care for this pain and getting a proper diagnosis. It could be a simple injury or some odd problem so get it checked out ASAP. The tongue can spread infection to the blood circulation so you can see why it is so important.

Does a tongue piercing hurt if you've only had your ears pierced?

Getting a tongue piercin will hurt a bit regardless of what you've had pierced before.

Is it ok for the underside of your tongue and throte to swell and hurt s little after a tongue piercing?

tongue: yes, and to be expected from the irritation of the procedure; swelling in the throat, however, could be symptomatic of a spreading infection, the redness of which could be masked by the color of the tongue and inside of mouth; and, if lasting longer than a day or two, would warrant medical attention

How much does tongue piercing hurt?

OKaii well for me it didnt hurt at all !!