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Yes ofcourse it wull grow back it is a way of surviving

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Q: Can your gecko lizard tail was broken off will he survive?
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What kind of lizard is a foot long has a fat plated tail and is tangreyyellow?

Could be an Albino Gecko or leopard Gecko

If a gecko got cut can it reform?

A Gecko can only loose it's tail ,and survive.

When you rip off the tail of a lizard does it grow into a new lizard?

No, you cannot get a full lizard to regenerate from the severed end portion of a shed tail. However, the rest of the lizard can regrow its lost tail.

What is a small lizard that is black yellow and white with a fat stubby tail?

That would be a Leopard Gecko.

Will a lizard die if its tail fell off?

No, a tail falling off of a lizard or gecko is just a defense mechanism and will eventually grow back. The tail falls off due to grabbing or pulling it, and the lizard or gecko will intentionally let go of it. Although it will grow back, it will not be as pretty and colorful as its original tail.

What cell process is responsible for the generation of tails in many lizard species?

theres only one species of reptiles that can regenerate its tail, and that is the leopard gecko, and its still a mystery as how they regenerate the tail

Does a dropped lizard tail make another lizard?

No, when a lizard loses its tail, the tail cannot grow into another lizard, even though the lizard can grow another tail. Lizards do not have the same regenerative ability as starfish.

What does it mean if a gecko has its tail up?

It is displaying to another gecko.

What is it called when a lizard loses its tail?

Autotomy is the term used to describe when a lizard voluntarily sheds or loses its tail as a defense mechanism against predators.

Are their any relatives to the leopard gecko?

African fat tail gecko

What happens to a fat-tailed gecko's tail when it is all puffed up?

It's supposed to be like that ! It's a method of storing fat for when the lizard can't find it's own food.

Does a gecko grow back its tail?

Yes. A gecko will grow back a tail. It won't be as long or strong, but it will grow back.There are many reasons why a gecko's tail may fall off. It may fall off when in a fight with another animal, or the tail can also fall off if the gecko is stressed out. Unfortunately, if the tail does fall it will not grow back .