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maybe for them to run around in

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Q: Can you put leopard geckos in hamster balls?
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What are all the leopard geckos enemies?

A leopard geckos enemies are other lizards or geckos. NEVER put two of them in the same tank especially two males. you may not have problems at the time but I guarantee that you will later. Leopard geckos like living alone. if you put them together they will eventually fight until death.

Are leopard geckos happier when there are two?

No. Leopard geckos are solitary. Put two males together and they will fight. Put a male and female together is not a good idea, unless you are prepared to take care of eggs. But if you introduce females to eachother young, they might get along.

How should you mate your leopard geckos?

You should put them in the same tank and hope for the best.

Can you put cacti in your leopard geckos habitat?

yes because that would be their natural habitat

Are their giant hamster balls for dogs?

Yes. If you find the right place. There are hamster balls for people so there must be some for dogs or you can just put them into peoples hamster balls then it should work.

Can panther geckos live with leopard geckos?

Leopard geckos cannot live with panther geckos. Even though care for both are generally the same, there are some huge differences between the two. Leopard geckos are usually between 7 and 10 inches long (some almost a foot), and panthers are 4-6 (or occasionally up to 8) inches long. This size difference alone could do it. The Leopard geckos would pick on the panther geckos. Also, the climate of the two needs to be very different. Panther geckos live in southern Madagascar naturally, while Leopard geckos live in Afghanistan and neighboring countries. Panther geckos need higher humidity levels than Leopards, and lower temperatures. Together, either the leopard gecko, or the panther gecko, will suffer, if not both. Please, don't keep these two creatures together. It won't work out well.

Are leopard geckos loners?

No, leopard geckos do not get lonely. They are solitary animals in the wild. In captivity, males will almost certainly fight with each other. Females may or may not fight but do not feel lonely when kept alone.

Can female leopard geckos get along?

If you are going to start keeping leopard geckos, you can only have one male but as many females as you like. If you are trying to breed them then have a few females to up your chances. If you put more then one male in they will fight.

Can leopard geckos eat little crabs?

I put a baby crawfish in my geckos tank and he's yet to eat it. Ide say its a bad idea because there crab - crustacean might hurt ur gecko.

Do hamsters need to go on the hamster ball everyday?

Your hamster doesn't need to go in the ball everyday , If your hamster has an exercise wheel then you can put them in the ball when you want to. I have 2 hamsters and they both have hamster balls and i only put them in it 3 times a week at the most :)

Can you put two girl leopard geckos in one cage?

Yes, first see if the two get along, if so than yes they can be housed together.

Can a zoo med heating pad be put underneath a plastic bin for leopard geckos or will it melt the bin?

no. i had one and the plastic melted a hole in it and destroyed it.