

Best Answer

You should NEVER mix reptile species unless...

(a) they are from the same country

(b) need the same type of climate

(c) they are active at the same time of day

(d) they are not likely to view each other as their next meal

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Q: Can you put a giant day gecko with a crested gecko?
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What can you put on a cut on a crested gecko?

Non scented, non toxic petroleum jelly.

What kind of animal can you put with a crested gecko?

None! Reptiles don't do well with another species!

Will male crested gecko fight with a male gargoyle geckos?

Yes, they will fight together, exept if they are put in separate homes

How do you give a leopard gecko moisture in its cage?

A crested gecko is a species of gecko that enjoys humidity. This species does not require a bowl of water but instead they enjoy daily mistings. By spraying the terrarium this increases the humidity level as well as a water source. The crested gecko will lap up droplettes from the walls of the terrarium or from the accessories.

What happens if you put to different species of gecko in one tank?

90% of the time the two species do not require the same care. In most cases, people will try to house a leopard gecko with a crested gecko. Leopard geckos live in heat reaching 105F each day with up to 14 hours of light and 0% humidity, very dry. The crested gecko live in temps never exceeding 80F with 10-12hours of sunlight and up to 90% humidity. One of the species is guaranteed death depending on what the setup of the tank is (desert or tropical)

What can live with a crested gecko?

If I were you I wouldn't put anything in with a gecko. Well... you could put a cricket in but it would get eaten. Geckomaster You could put an anole in the tank; they'd get along just fine. I've seen it done before.

Can a crested gecko eat blueberries?

Not the best idea to put a full berry in the encloser. Mash,Grind or puree the fruits to a mush. Realisticly it's not the best idea mixing foods and changing their diets, sticking with the Repashy Crested gecko diet is the best food source. It fully provides the cresteds with all supplement and nourishment

Can a panther gecko be put with a leopard gecko?


Can a crested gecko and a gargoyle gecko breed?

Well i don't think you should put any other geckos in the tank with a leopard gecko. If you have 2 male and 1 female dont put the males together or else they will fight to death for the female.

Can crested geckos go in water?

yes they do they also drink warm water so if you find one in your sink dont panik just put them in a jar and put him outside . DONT KILL IT!

What gecko can you put with a leopard gecko?

Yes you can but, there are certain rules to this: -A baby and an adult cannot be housed together (baby is food!) -Two males cannot be housed together (very aggressive especially around females) -Females of the same weight and size can be housed together. It's best to have 1 gecko per 10 gallons of space.

Can you put a Mediterranean Gecko in with a Crested Gecko?

These two animals have completely different habitats. The crested geckos enjoy a tropical environment with lots of humidity and next to zero heat. Most Mediterranean species enjoy a basking spot from 85 - 95 F and medium - high level humidity and live in rocky areas. These two species would never come face to face in the wild therefore, should not be housed within the same terrarium.