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I would advise not to. It depends on the gender and sise. If both female or one male and one female then that's ok. If the other dragon is half the sise of the other then it will cause the bigger to be 2 doniment and cause huge stress on the other. Its up 2 u just keep watch cafully and give them space. About a 150 gallon should be enough! =)

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Q: Can you mix a Sandfire Bearded Dragon with a common one The common one is a little older and the Sandfire one is around a week or two old?
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What is the Scientific name for the Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons are in the family pogona but the most common bearded dragon in captivity worldwide is the Central Bearded Dragon; pogona vitticeps.

Is bearded dragon endangered?

The Bearded Dragon is actually just a common name given to a grouping (or genus) of lizards. There are about seven species--none of them are endangered.

What do bearded dragon and milk snake have in common?

What they have in common is they both say, "VAS HAPPENIN?"

How does a bearded dragon finds its food?

With its eyes, and nose and its common sense.

Can a bearded dragon have a stroke?

Yes, but it isn't common. There are many more ailments that might mimic the symptoms. If your bearded dragon is not behaving normally, take it to an experienced reptile veterinarian.

Where did the bearded dragon get its name?

They have small hairs on their chin (flot). Even though people say dragons are mystical, the Bible talks a lot about mystical creatures in revelation. Just thought I should say that>>>

How big will the bearded dragon get?

The average adult bearded dragon gets 18 inches long (1 1/2 feet) . There are different species of bearded dragon that can get up to 24 inches (2 feet). I have 5 adult dragons. The smallest is about 14 inches, the largest is about 22 inches. Ones that have some "German Giant" genes tend to get larger but you really can't tell until they are full grown. 18 inches is a good estimate but it could be 4 - 6 inches difference in either direction.

What is the most common type of gecko?

Day gecko, leopard gecko and crested gecko

What does it mean when your male bearded dragon bobs his head up and down?

Head bobbing is a sign of dominance for a bearded dragon. It is common to see male beardies head bob and less common amongst females as they are usually a little more relaxed. It is perfectly normal so nothing to worry about.

My bearded dragon poo's smell. i think this is a sign of parasites but not sure?

It is Because your bearded dragon has got a disease called paracotis. It is quite common in bearded dragons but can become serious if not checked. I would go for a health check and see if this is the case. If it is you should receive some anti biotic. If the anti bio-tics don't work your beard dragon might die. I'm only joking the anti bio tics should definitely work.

Is fish oil good or bad for bearded dragons?

It probably is, as it is found in the ingredients of many packaged bearded dragon foods. Fish oil and fish meal are common ingredients. Large doses of it are probably not recommended, but a sprinkling of it can't hurt.

Lizard's name on Nim's Island?

Bearded dragon is a unique reptile that is very suitable to adopt as pet. By understanding this animal in the wild and its origin, it is beneficial as a pet owner. After knowing its background, taking care of bearded dragons is much easier as vivarium habitat may be easily mimicked as close as possible to the natural environment. If you knowing your bearded dragon's behavior, you are better in handling this pet. This reptile is one of the family members of Agamidae, named Pogona in scientific term. The origin places of the dragons are from Australia. They can be found in the mainland of the Australia or near the coastal areas. The common bearded dragons that can be found in the pet shops today mostly are inland bearded dragon or sometimes known as central bearded dragon. They are named as such due to their natural habitat in the wild where they can be found; in central or mainland of Australia. There is another type of bearded dragon where they natural habitat is near the coastal area. They are better known as coastal bearded dragon. They used to be very popular in the pet community but getting lesser now. Other than 2 of these popular dragons, less common types of bearded dragons are Rankins and Vittikins. These are the reptiles which is quite hard to find in the pet shops. All of these reptiles are quite similar, but may be slightly different in size or their colors. They can be categorized as mid-size pet dragon. Male can grow up to about 24 inches long, and female is about 20 inches. Their tail is about half of the body length. The bearded dragons have rough skin on the back and side of the body but soft along the belly part. The lifespan of the bearded dragons is about 7 years or more. Due to the strict rules of int This reptile is one of the family members of Agamidae, named Pogona in scientific term. The origin places of the dragons are from Australia. They can be found in the mainland of the Australia or near the coastal areas. The common bearded dragons that can be found in the pet shops today mostly are inland bearded dragon or sometimes known as central bearded dragon. They are named as such due to their natural habitat in the wild where they can be found; in central or mainland of Australia. There is another type of bearded dragon where they natural habitat is near the coastal area. They are better known as coastal bearded dragon. They used to be very popular in the pet community but getting lesser now. Other than 2 of these popular dragons, less common types of bearded dragons are Rankins and Vittikins. These are the reptiles which is quite hard to find in the pet shops. All of these reptiles are quite similar, but may be slightly different in size or their colors. They can be categorized as mid-size pet dragon. Male can grow up to about 24 inches long, and female is about 20 inches. Their tail is about half of the body length. The bearded dragons have rough skin on the back and side of the body but soft along the belly part. The lifespan of the bearded dragons is about 7 years or more. Due to the strict rules of international pet trading, most of the bearded dragons found in United States and United Kingdom are captive bred locally. Most of the time, the bearded dragons that are on sale in pet shops today are mainly inland or central dragons where most of the hobbyist may find.