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You can, but unless they pose a threat it is better for you and the snake to go your separate ways.

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14y ago

if you hit it on the head continuously, then, yes, but do not try this, you may be poisoned, and it would not be very nice.

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Q: Can you kill a poisonous adder snake?
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What is correct is the adder a poisonous snake or not because the information found is contradictory?

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The adder is the only poisonous British snake, and is a reptile.

What is Britain's only poisonous snake?

The Adder is Britain's only poisonous snake :-) there have been no other recorded snakes in BritainBrittains only venomous snake - is the Adder. See the related link for a picture.The European Adder (Vipera berus).Adder

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England has no 'poisonous' snakes but does have a single species of venomous snake - the adder (Vipera berus).

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The adder is also called a common viper.

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The name of a poisonous snake with three letters is the adder.

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The only venomous snake native to the UK is the Adder (Vipera berus).

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