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ONLY if they're male and female. If you put two males together - they will fight for dominance, possibly resulting in serious injury to one or both !

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Q: Can you keep two adult bearded dragons in a 40 gallon breeder?
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Related questions

Are there Pictures of fully grown adult bearded dragons?

Go to google and search bearded dragons, all of the pictures will be adults.

What colour is a bearded dragon baby?

bearded dragons are born the same color they will be as an adult

Why do bearded dragons bite other bearded dragons?

Two adult males will always fight for dominance and territory. A male will bite a female to dominte her during mating.

How long do adult bearded dragons live?

Adult Bearded dragons can live up to 14 years old with very good care.

How much does it cost per year to heat an adult bearded dragons cage?

about $100

How big do bearded dragons get including the tail?

Reported size is up to 20 inches for an adult (including the tail)

What is a good size terrarium for an adult bearded dragon?

A good size terrarium is a 40 gallon, that's the minumum i have a 70 gallon that can hold three i have 2 in there

How long does it take for a baby bearded dragon to get 15 inches?

Adult bearded dragons average 15" to 17" in length, though there are reports of large males reaching up to 23".

Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa hay?

Yes, but most baby Bearded Dragons will not. They normally do not eat vegetation, but adults will. Adult will eat alfalfa hay, powdered milk cat or dog food, salad, crickets, flightless fruit flies, meal worms, and other bugs.

Can adult bearded dragons survive on vegetables?

yes sweetly they can but u cant never not give it no insect meat for very long period's of time

How much are adult female Bearded Dragons?

I went to a store and found some adults for around $100, but i would get a leopard gecko! They are really easy!

How much are beared dragons?

Bearded dragons can vary in price depending on factors such as age, color morph, and breeder. On average, you can expect to pay between $40 to $500 for a bearded dragon. Additionally, you will need to consider ongoing expenses for their habitat, food, and veterinary care.