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Yes, every thing should be fine just watch them and make sure that they get along. Also, understand that these turtles will get large(Red Eared Sliders get 10-12in and male Mis. maps get about 5in while female Mis. maps get 10in) so you will need to keep them in a 150gallon plus tank or backyard pond. Hope every thing works out!

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Q: Can you house a red eared slider with a mississippi map turtle?
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¬_¬ no

Can red eared slider turtles eat spiders?

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The turtle you are describing sounds like a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), which is a common species of turtle kept as pets. They are known for their distinctive red markings on their head and limbs, with a yellow underside.

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i am pretty sure you can but i am not positive

Can you hold eastern painted turtles?

NO. The eastern box turtle is a land turtle and the painted turtle is aquatic. If you had a habitat large enough that could accommodate a land area, a shallow water area and a deep water area it would be ok to house them together. The painted turtle would spend most of its time in the deeper water only coming on to land to bask, and the box turtle will spend the majority of its time on the land. They are not harmful to each other

How do you house your large red eared slider?

well when i got mine, i put it in a glass tank and filled it half way with water and put a like area above the water for it to rest on. but they mostly live in water.

Can slider turtles and painted turtles be in the same tank?

It's not recommended to house slider turtles and painted turtles together as they have different habitat requirements and may exhibit aggression toward each other. It's best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure their well-being and reduce stress.

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It probably needs room for walking . you probably need a bigger tank

When was Turtle House created?

Turtle House was created in 1820.

Why does my red slider turtle attack the other smaller turtle in the aquarium?

Red sliders may fight with each other if they are crowded (for this breed, you'll need a large aquarium - about 150 gallons, or 48" x 18" x 24"). They may also attack if they are hungry, or there is a large size difference. Also, sometimes a male red slider will harass a female for breeding.Source: Wright Bird Exotic Pet House Calls

What is the turtle's house called?

A turtle makes its own house called a shell, scute or scutum.

What are the names of house of turtle?

A turtle carries his for life on his back- it's his shell.