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Yes but don't forget to vomit! It tastes like leaves

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Q: Can you eat a crocodile
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Does a crocodile really eat a dolphin?

Whales eats crocodile as that's part of the food chain. Whales sometimes swim near estuaries and when see a crocodile, they approach and eat them. They eat crocodile in order to protect humans.

What crocodile birds eat?

Crocodile Birds eat the remains of what Crocodiles kill and eat (for example, the meat of a dead animal).

Do jaguars eat crocodiles?

NO! Crocodiles eat Jaguars, NOTHINGeats a crocodile BUT a crocodile eats anything.

Does a crocodile eat a monkey?

Yes, a crocodile will eat a monkey if given the chance. He will also eat deer, sharks, bats and dingoes.

Who will win a eagle or crocodile?

Crocodile. It can eat the eagle in 1 bite.

How does the Crocodile eat?

with its mouth

Can a crocodile eat a hawk?

You know what a crocodile eats? ANYTHING IT WANTS TO! Actually a crocodile will pretty much eat any animal that is not big and strong enough to fight it off.

Can a crocodile eat a full size human being?

Yes a sufficiently large crocodile can eat a whole person, but in pieces

Do mice eat crocodile?

No!! Not in nature. However, if you would like to feed crocodile meat to your pet mice, just cut the crocodile up into tiny pieces and the mice will be happy to eat it.

What does the crocodile eat?


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