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Of course! Just make sure the crickets haven't been sprayed by any chemicals or anything! Also, make sure the crickets are the correct size;

Baby= Pinhead crickets (these crickets are just about 3 weeks old. They are about 1/4 of an inch long)

Juvenile=Pinhead Crickets

Adult= Adult Crickets (NEVER confuse a cricket with a grasshopper)

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15y ago

He is 5 months old. The breeder we got him from said he ate crickets before. He dose eat worms, veggies, and fruit. But has no intrest in crickets. I do have another beardie about the same age and she is doing really good. The tank is the right temp, they have UVB & heat lights for 13 hours a day. They are handled daily for about 1 hour, and both seem to be doing really well. Im just trying to figure out how to stimulat him to eat crickets. He loves worms but those are ment as a snack every couple of days. I dont want him to get impacted because he is so young. I put them in the same tank to see if the competitiveness would spark him to go after some but he could care less. He was never rased on pellits so he wont eat them. But he dose eat everything else. Dose any one have any suggestions or know of anything else i can give him so i know he is getting the vitamins he needs?

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14y ago

yes, you do not have to feed it crickets you can feed it fruits and veggies but you cant feed them that all the time but you should feed them crickets :)

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Q: Can you a feed bearded dragon wild crickets?
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How do bearded dragon feed in the wild?

Crickets, meal worms, etc. Basically insects.

Can you feed bearded dragon chocolate?

Absolutely NOT ! Since WHEN would a Bearded Dragon encounter chocolate in the wild !

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No but it could carry parasites and kill your dragon. *You should NEVER feed your bearded dragon any wild food no matter how tempting it is.

Can you feed your bearded dragon bugs?

Yes, you can buy meal worms, crickets and more from pet stores. It's not recommended to feed your beardie wild insects just because you don't know what that insect is carrying, for all you know it could have pesticides on it that will kill your beardie

Can bearded dragons eat blood worms?

No. But what i feed my bearded dragons, is super worms, meal worms, and crickets. Sometimes my family picks up a worm from the wild and feed it to them and so far, it never harmed my bearded dragons. So far, they ate grub worms and earth worms.

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A bearded dragon can eat caterpillars, but you never want to feed your pet of any kind something wild, that you caught.

Can you feed a little grey country mouse black crickets?

. It will not harm the mouse unless you over feed the crickets. If it is a pet mouse then feed it only as much as 15 crickets a day. If it is a wild mouse then feed it only just 10 crickets a day. Because if you feed a wild mouse too much then it will depend on you and later die.

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My daughter just caught 2 toads from the wild, and we set up a cage for them and everything. I just fed them ants and some tiny beetles - I have a bearded dragon too, and I sometimes feed them crickets and mealworms. (Dried) Hope this helps!!! Edit: If it's a British toad, return it to the WILD - ALL UK reptiles and amphibians are now PROTECTED species. Interference is punishable by hefty fine and/or imprisonment !

What do you feed wild geckos from Florida without buying food?

crickets its simple

Can bearded dragons eat slug?

not really, if you did give your bearded dragon a slug it would probably get either very very ill or even die. I wouldn't advise giving bearded dragons slugs or anything that you catch infact as insects from the wild can carry disease, even if they are from your garden. Bearded Dragons are best cared for when they are given good live food bought from a pet store, such as locoust or crickets

Do bearded dragons shave?

NO! Bearded dragons don't shave it is not hair on the beard its sharp pointy Spikes to scare of predators in the wild. Don't shave a bearded dragon!

What insects do the Bearded dragon eat?

You can feed beardies anything but fireflies, as these can be fatal. You can even catch wild bugs! Just make sure there not to big or sprayed with any chemicals. Hope this helps!