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Yes, but your turtle will probably eat tadpoles and unless the tadpole is fast and your turtle is slow the tadpole will become dinner.

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Q: Can water turtles and tadpoles live in the same exibit?
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What feeds on a tadpole?

Animals that eat tadpoles are mainly birds that live around the water, turtles and large fish. And if your hungry enough

When did turtles live in water?

turtles still live in water but not all turtles.

Where are turtles?

water turtles live in the water land turtles live in the land

Can tadpoles live in sink water?

Only if you leave the water out for about a week. Tap water has chemicals that harm the tadpoles.

What animals live in pond?

Ducks, geese, small fish, tadpoles, frogs, turtles and insects.

How do turtles breathe in water or not?

Turtles live in the water. How can they not breath in what they live in?!

Can tadpoles live in clean water?

the truth is they can but put algae in it so they can eat

Do tadpoles live under rocks?

No. Until tadpoles become frogs, they remain in water.

Do turtles live in a box?

Turtles can live anywhere. Some live in water.

Can tadpoles live in creeks?

Yes with enough water.

Do snapping turtles live in fresh or salt water?

Snapping turtles live in fresh water

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Box turtles live on land not in water