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Q: Can musk turtles go out of water?
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Related questions

What water do musk turtles have to swim in?

Fresh water with little to no chlorination.

What other turtles can live with musk turtles?

try map turtles or yellow or red bellies I have a razor back musk and he go's perfect with my Mississippi map turtle

Where can you buy baby common musk or baby razorback musk turtles in the UK?

Go to

How long do musk turtles live for?

Musk turtles live about 30yrs

Where are musk mud turtles located?

Musk mud turtles are primarily found in the southeastern United States, particularly in parts of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. They inhabit slow-moving bodies of water, such as swamps, marshes, and ponds with muddy substrates. These turtles are known for their distinctive musky odor, which gives them their name.

Are stink pot turtles and painted turtles the same?

no, stinpots are musk turtles not painted turtles

Do musk turtles need bathing?

they can

Do musk turtles smell?


Why are the musk turtles going extinct?

The musk turtles have been wiped out a lot over the past few years from being run over from cars and not having enough habitat for them. The musk turtle is still alive and active and if it ever does go extinct it will be 20 or 30 years from now.

What are flat musk turtles?

Flat musk turtles are a small species of freshwater turtle found in the southeastern United States. They have flattened shells and are known for their musky odor, which they use for defense. They are primarily aquatic and feed on a variety of aquatic invertebrates.

How long can Musk turtles live?

Musk turtles can live up to 50 years if your lucky but they normally live for around 30 - 40 years

Do musk turtles grow fur?

No reptile is capable of growing fur, including the musk turtle.