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they can

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Q: Can freashwater turtles extend their long neck into a G shape?
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How long is the turtles penis?

Male turtles typically have a retractable penis, called a cloaca, that varies in length among different species. The penis can extend anywhere from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in length.

How long do mud turtles live?

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Why do predators eat long neck turtles?

Because long neck turtles are slow on land.

What kinds of turtles have long tails and long claws?

Snapping turtles have long tails and claws

How long do musk turtles live for?

Musk turtles live about 30yrs

How long can green sea turtles live without eating?

how long do turtles live with out food? how long do turtles live with out food?

How long does it take for mail from Pennsylvania to Samoa?

Turtles. Lots and lots of turtles.

How long can pet turtles stay out of water?

Most species of turtles can survive out of water for a long time, as long as the environment is humid and out of direct sun. It is not a good idea for turtles to be completely removed from water, though.

How do you detect the sex of turtles?

some turtles have long claws and some dont the girls have long the boys hane short

How long do Texas cooter turtles live?

Texas Cooter turtles can live 40 years or longer. They are very hearty turtles.

How long are long neck turtles pregnant for?

17 years!

How do you tell the difference between terrestrial turtles and aquatic turtles?

Terrestrial turtles have stumpy legs and claws adapted for walking on land, while aquatic turtles have webbed feet for swimming. Additionally, aquatic turtles have more streamlined shells to help them move through water, while terrestrial turtles often have more domed shells for protection on land. Lastly, aquatic turtles tend to have more vibrant colors and patterns for camouflage in the water, whereas terrestrial turtles may have more muted colors.