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Not on their hind legs, no. They can stand (though for short periods at a time) on their four stout but short legs.

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Q: Can crocidiles and alligators stand up?
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How are alligators and crocidiles differnt?

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alligators, crocidiles and sharks

Are there alligators in Guatemala?

yes,well crocidiles inhabit some rivers in Guatemala

Do alligators eat hippos?

Hippos and alligators don't live in the same regions. Hippos do kill crocodiles, but they don't eat them.

How alligators kill their prey?

well first of all crocidiles and alligators both kill by grippig their prey in their teeth and dragging them underwater to drown the prey. On the question How Do Crocidiles Kill Their Prey well, that answer is wrong . Though with the sharp teeth and huge jaws most people think they bite prey to death.

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probably... meat?? that's what alligators and crocidiles eat in the wild so i m assuming that they still eat it?

Did dianasorous are in world now?

Yes the World still has dinosaurs in it today. Like alligators, crocidiles, sharks and many other life.

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Caiman, alligators and crocidiles, fish, frogs, turtles, tapir, peccaries, capybara, and deer.

How do alligators kill their prey?

Alligators typically use a technique called the "death roll" to kill their prey. They grab onto their prey with their powerful jaws and then spin rapidly in the water to disorient and weaken the animal before consuming it. This spinning motion can also help tear apart larger prey into smaller, more manageable pieces.

When was crocidile set up?

Do not treat them as a thing. Crocidiles are people too.

Are there crocidiles in the humid subtropical and human continental?

yes. Crocodiles and alligators both live in the subtropical areas. They share their home with many different kinds of animals especially insects, birds, and other reptiles.

When was Crocodile set up?

crocidiles are good people. you should pet one sometime.