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Yes, it is fully legal to keep box turtles in Pennsylvania.

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4y ago
Absolutely no Eastern Box turtles can be kept in PA!

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Q: Can box turtles be kept as a pet in Pennsylvania?
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Related questions

What are good types of pet turtles?

Box Turtles.

Are box turtles pets?

pretty sure they are. google pet box turtles images

Why are aquatic box turtles endangered?

Pet Trade, Invasive species, Drying of Wetlands

What different kinds of pet turtles are there?

pet turtles

Is it legal to have a turtle at human home as pet?

not realy but hording wild box turtles it is a leagle

What non living thing does a box turtle eat?

You can find box turtle pellets on Amazon or at your local pet store. (If they sell turtles)

How many kids could turtles could have?

A sea turtle can have over 100 eggs in once. But it is a little different with pet turtles. Pet turtles can have up to 5 or 8 eggs(Or maybe eggs up to 10). Box turtles can have 4, 3,or 2 eggs in once.

Are mud turtles good pets for kids?

yes, they are. although I would not recommend turtles as a good kid pet anyway. if you are going to give your child a turtle, mud turtles are a good beginner turtle. as are box turtles. I have three turtles, a mud turtle, a box turtle, and a spotted turtle, and I am 13. Although it is also a question of how responsible you or your child is.

Do Pet turutles bite?


Were do pet turtles live?

Pet turtles live in forests. Also they can live near ponds. You can not capture pet turtles if it is not your property. Go to a pet store to adopt one. Do not take them out of their home. Please don't harm our animals.

Where could one find care instructions for a box turtle?

Box turtles can be a delightful pet, but as with all animals one must take certain precautions and steps in caring for them. There are websites dedicated to the care and safety of a pet turtle, Turtle Puddle being one of them. In addition, many pet stores which can offer box turtles might also offer pamphlets for basic care needs. A book on the subject could also be obtained, as there are many books for the care and safety of various pet animals.

Does Liam Payne have two pet turtles?

Liam used to have two pet turtles called Boris and Archimedes.