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They are primarily vegetarian. If you read something on the internet that tells you otherwise, it is wrong. The premiere breeders in the U.S.A. use a 95% plant matter diet consisting of bok choy, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, and turnip greens. Do not use any type of lettuce.

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Q: Can a uromastyx lizard eat feeder guppies?
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What kinds of fish eat guppies?

Goldfish. They are "feeder" fish for them.

What if your baby red ear slider doesn't eat but doesn't sleep he stays active?

If he is active then he is probably okay. Try different types of food to see what he will eat. Check out what the baby turtles at petshops are being fed (this is usually feeder guppies, *ask the clerk for feeder guppies and they will show you*). If he still won't eat keep trying different things. A few things I would recommed that my turtle ate after he refused to eat would be: worms, feeder guppies, steak, fish meat, and pretty much any meat (although raw would be best for a baby). If you just got him then just be patient and keep introducing food until you find something he will eat.

Who eat guppies?

Adult guppies eat their own babies, and fish like tuna eat guppies.

What eat guppies?

most fish will even guppies will eat other guppies it is a risk all ways

Do male guppies eat their own eggs?

Guppies are livebearers. So they don't lay eggs. Male guppies WILL eat their own baby guppies. They will eat any baby guppy they see. It doesn't matter if it's their own or some other guppies'. Male and female guppies eat baby guppies.

Do guppies eat frogs?

Guppies aren't large enough to eat frogs.

Do guppies all eat babies guppies?


Can leopard geckos eat feeder fish or guppies?

NO! They are insectivores only. Which means they only eat insect with an occasional pinkie mouse.

Do guppies eat lettuce?

No. Guppies eat brine shrimp, various tiny species of worms and commercial fish food.

Are guppies compadable with betta fish?

No, bettas will often eat the guppies.

Do crayfish eat guppies?

no they eat your mom

Do guppies eat neons fish?

Guppies will eat neons tetra babies but are not large enough to eat fully grown neons.