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Yes, indeed they can break through bone. The crocodile's bite force is more than 5,000 pounds per square inch. By far the strongest of any creature on Earth.

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Q: Can a crocodile's teeth break through bone?
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Because they move bone (teeth) through bone.

Why crocodiles need teeth?

Crocodiles are ambushers and have limited mobility out of water. This being so, it is a bad idea for crocodiles to miss their prey after biting them; the teeth are slightly hooked in, and they function as 'hooks' that grab on to the prey for the crocodile to drag underwater. Crocodiles' teeth are not used for ripping meat, unlike most other carnivores; for bigger animals, they use their powerful jaws to crush the bone and shake the meat violently in water to rip it apart, and their powerful digestive system does the rest.

What are the proof that teeth is bone?

teeth are not bone

How crocodile used its teeth?

Crocodiles use their teeth to capture prey. Once they have a grip on prey, they drag it underwater so it drowns. Then they eat it by using their teeth to grab a chunk of the flesh, and then rolling over in the water to tear it off. They have to do that because their teeth are not effective for shearing flesh off of bone.

Teeth strength of which animal is greater between crocodile and hyena?

The teeth strength of a crocodile is generally greater than that of a hyena. Crocodiles have extremely powerful jaws and teeth designed for crushing bone and tearing flesh, while hyenas have strong teeth suited for crushing and chewing bone, but they are not as specialized for it as crocodiles.

A bone break that pierces or ruptures through the skin is a?

An open fracture.

Can you get bone cancer of the teeth?

No, bone cancer does not affect teeth because teeth are not made of bone tissue. However, there are types of cancer that can affect the mouth and jaw bones, but these would not be considered bone cancer of the teeth specifically.

A bone break that pierces or ruptures through the skin is called a?

compound fracture

Are crocodiles vertabrets?

Yes, because they have a spine (back bone).

Which bone contains alveoli that bear teeth?

what bone contains alveoli bearing teeth

Why don't teeth dempose?

Teeth are a bone

Are teeth hard bone?

Teeth are bones.