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No way

First of all, chameleon's and gecko's my have diffrent humidity and temprature requirement depending on which type of chameleon or gecko you are referring to. Also both chameleons and geckos are rather aggressive (more chameleons). Chameleons get stressed very easily. They can even get stressed when they see their own reflection.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Absolutely NOT ! They require completely different habitats.

Chameleons are primarily rainforest creatures requiring high humidity - Leopard Geckos are desert species needing dry, arid conditions ! Besides which - some chameleons eat other reptiles !

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Q: Can a chameleon and a leopard gecko live together?
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Can a chameleon live in the same tank as a leopard d gecko?

No ! NEVER mix species unless they're found together naturally ! Chameleons are rain-forest lizards, while leopard geckos are desert dwellers ! Additionally, part of a chameleons diet is other lizards !

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No, a leopard gecko can live with other leopard geckos, if both are female. During the breeding season, males can be housed with females but not any other reptile, unless you want a dead gecko.

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What animals live with a leopard gecko?

In captivity? none.

What climate does a Leopard Gecko live in?

Temperate Desert.

How long do wild leopard geckos live?

On average, the leopard gecko will live 5-10 years in the wild due to predators but in captivity, the oldest recorded leopard gecko lived to be 27 years old. Youtube "dink the leopard gecko"

How old is mature lepord gecko?

I would say somewhere by 8/12 month's possibly more depending on the leopard gecko.

My leopard gecko is 19 and has stopped eating is this a sign he is going to die?

my leopard gecko has also stopped eating and she is pretty old too so I think this might be the case. 19 is fairly old for a leopard gecko to live.

How old do female leopard geckos live to be?

If properly cared for, any Leopard Gecko can live up to 20 years.

Can A male Leopard gecko live with a male fat-tailed gecko?

No. Male geckos will fight for territory.