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Q: Can a bearded dragon die from metabolic bone disease?
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Why does a bearded dragon get metrobolic bone disease?

Lack of UVA & UVB light is the main cause of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). The lizards body synthesises vitamin A from the combination of its diet, and the UV part of the broad spectrum present in sunlight (in its natural habitat) or - in the artificial lighting in a vivarium. MBD is a debilitating illness resulting in softening of the skeletal bones - and in severe cases is FATAL !

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if it has metabolic bone disease you can take it to the vet or give it a nice warm bath and a rub or massage on the tummy

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Metabolic bone, respiratory infections

Do bearded dragons have hereditary diseases?

Bearded Dragons are normally very hardy lizards provided they have the correct set up. If not however they can suffer from metabolic bone disease (not hereditary) but caused by a lack of UVA & UVB light and lack of calcium in their diets. Like all living creatures, bearded dragons can suffer from harmful genetic mutations which can be passed down to their offspring. If you are buying a new bearded dragon, the key is to only select healthy and alert animals and not breed them to any closely related dragons.

Is osteoporosis a metabolic bone disease?

Yes, it is a condition where the bone density becomes less than normal.

What has the author Olaf Hjalmer Pearson written?

Olaf Hjalmer Pearson has written: 'Dynamic studies of metabolic bone disease' -- subject(s): Metabolic Diseases, Bone Diseases

Will your bearded dragon die from not getting vitamin d3?

It's possible. Lack of vitamin d3 leads to Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). If left untreated MBD can be fatal. The best way to avoid MBD - is to ensure your Beardie has the correct (natural) foods, supplemented with a broad vitamin powder. Additionally, you should have an approved UV light in the vivarium. The UV light synthesises vitamin D from the lizards diet.

What are the months when you can breed a bone dragon in DragonVale?

You can get in only in October. You can breed a Bone Dragon by a Fire and Earth Dragon. I have 2 Bone Dragons by that combination. You can buy a Bone Dragon for 25 gems.

Can you breed a bone dragon after Halloween in DragonVale for iPod touch?

You can't breed a Bone Dragon after Halloween. To breed a Bone Dragon: Fire and Earth Dragon (level 10)

Does Roy Clark have a bone disease?

No he does not have a bone disease

What has the author William H Harris written?

William H. Harris has written: 'Skeletal renewal and metabolic bone disease' -- subject(s): Bone regeneration, Bones, Diseases 'Problem cases from fracture grand rounds at the Massachusetts General Hospital'