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Of course not!!! First of all, as I'm sure you know, the common iguana lives in a rainforest environment, needs humidity around 85 to 95%, need warm, not hot temps, and iguanas like water in their vivarium. Beardies, on the other hand, live in the hot desert of Australia, (or a hot desert terrarium) needs a desert humidity (very low of course) like it hot (90 degrees to 110 degrees make the cut. My male beardie's terrarium has a temp of 90-105 in the summer, and a temp of 85-90 in the winter and he LOVES it.) and beardies don't want a small pond in their tank. They don't swim like a iguanas, or like to soak, and get most of their water from their prey. (What I do is mist is salads and fruit so I'm sure he's getting water. I'll also put water in one of his dishes if I'm not feeding him salad, and he'll do that to.) Second of all, VERY VERY FEW different species of lizards that can get along fine. So your answer is: ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO!!!!!

Actually i have an iguana and a bearded dragon living together and they re just fine they require the same kind temperature and my beardy spends all day in the water bowl they get on fine and eat the same things require the same sort of environment they only time i would suggest separation would be when the iguana or t beardi become sexually mature because fights could start but you are safe for about a year and a half

Regards Luna

My Iguanas and Beardies live together and both love to swim ,but I always keep an eye on them

Andrew Biggs

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Q: Can Bearded dragons and iguanas live together?
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None. Bearded Dragons are only social butterflies with humans. Housing even 2 beardies together will result in them fighting till the death.

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Absolutely not ! Never mix species of animals together unless they're found NATURALLY co-habiting.

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