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Yes because it's still a snake, joined twins still have a Tounge because they are joined.

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12y ago
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14y ago

no... but they hav forked tongues!

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11y ago

Yes. All snakes have forked tongues.

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Q: Are there snakes with forked tails?
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Where is the forked tongue on extreme challenger you spy book?

One forked tongue is one of the snakes by the dinosaur and the other is one of the blue monsters snakes tongue.

What flicks out of a snakes mouth to sample a scent?

It's forked tongue.

Do snake has nose?

Yes, But most snakes use their nose for smelling; some snakes use their forked tongues

Why does barn swallows have forked tails?

Yes, some more so than others, depending on species.

What other snakes rattle their tails?

Some other snakes that rattle their tails to warn off potential predators include the Massasauga rattlesnake, the Western diamondback rattlesnake, and the Timber rattlesnake. These snakes use their tail rattle as a form of defense when feeling threatened.

Do snakes have eyes on their tails?

No, snakes do not have eyes on their tail. Snakes see by flicking their tongue "to taste the air".

Does snake bite with his teeth and or tongue?

While a snake's forked tongue looks dangerous, it really is not. Snakes actually smell with their tongues. If snakes bite, they use their teeth

What do snakes have?

they have tails, eggs, no legs, a bunch of ribs

Do corn snakes tail regrow?

No snakes don't regrow their tails, that's a lizard thing.

What are snakes breeding habits?

they shuv their tails in eachothers mouth !!

How many tongues do ducks have?

Snakes only have one tongue it may look like they have two as their tongues are forked. The tongue splits at the end making it appear it has two tongues.

Are all snake tails beginning at the same place?

Yes - a snakes tail begins at the vent - it's the same with all snakes.