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12y ago

Yes it is possible. It has already been done and Corn Snakes have been successfully crossbred with other North American Rat Snakes as well as Milk Snakes, such as the Sinaloan Milk Snake-resulting in the Sinacorn and also the California King Snake-resulting in the Jungle Corn Snake.

However, cross breeding unless done carefully creates mix-ups with otherwise pure bloodlines.

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13y ago

Yes, in fact a corn snake is a kind of rat snake.

Rat snakes belong to the genus Elaphe.

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11y ago

Yes they can - since they are both from the same family of snakes.

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8y ago

Corn snakes and Rat snakes look relativily the same so you won't see much difference in shape. You might get some different color patterns out of the joining though

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11y ago

yes get lucas

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12y ago

Corn snakes are rat snakes

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Q: Are rat snakes and corn snakes the same?
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Are corn snakes the same thing as rat snakes?

Yes - they are from the same family of snakes.

How can you tell a rat snake and a corn snake apart?

Rat snakes are generally black whereas corn snakes are orangey yellowy and look like ground up corn.

Are corn snakes poison?

No, like all rat snakes the corn snake is non-venomous. They are constrictors.

What is The Closest Relative to a corn snake?

Corn snakes are one of several species of North American rat snakes. There closest relatives would be the Eastern Rat snakes (such as Black, Everglades, Gray, Texas, and Yellow Rat snakes), Fox Snakes, and Baird's Ratsnake. Depending upon who you ask, some people consider the Great Plains Rat Snake either a subspecies of Corn Snake, or a separate species.

What type of reptiles can live together?

Reptiles are usually solitary creatures - however - you can house species together IF they are from the same country and are not likely to view their 'companion' as food ! For example - corn snakes and rat snakes can live inthe same vivarium but NOT corn snakes and king snakes - as the king snake diet consists of other snakes !

Is a rat snake the same as a rattle snake?

Rat snakes and rattle snakes are not the same thing. Rat snakes are constrictors, and have little to no venom. Rattle snakes are venomous and have large quantities of venom. Rat snakes are commonly kept as pets, but rattlesnakes are not.

What kinds of snakes do hawks eat?

all kinds of snakes! like rat snakes, corn snakes, any they can get their tallons on! as long as their not poisones.

Will a corn snake eat another corn snake?

only if there very hungrey This is not true. Corn snakes are far from cannibalistic, unlike king snakes. If the cage is too small however, they will become stressed. Stress also stems from the snakes being very different in size.

What kind of snakes eat mouse?

There are many species of snake that feed on mice. These include Pythons, Boas, Corn snakes and other rat snakes.

What species of snakes live in Texas?

There are 123 venomous snakes in Texas and 3456 non-venomous snakes in Texas.

What is the difference between the king snake and the corn snake?

Corn snakes are a different species, but closely related to Rat Snakes as they are in the same genus. Corns belong to the species Elaphe guttata while many of the rat snakes are subspecies of Elaphe obsoleta.The Latin word elaphe means deerskin. in most species, their skin feels like finely tanned deerskin. Some people see the patterning of the belly scales of Corn Snakes as resembling maize, a colorful ancestor of our modern day corn.

What types of snakes are there in Naples Florida?

There are a variety of snakes in Naples, Florida including boas and pythons that were originally captive. Other snakes include coral snakes, garter snakes, rat and corn snakes.